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Dental Care

Preventing dental disease with professional cleaning and routine home care.

Dental care is sadly neglected in cats and dogs. Due to this, dental disease is one of the most diagnosed illnesses in pets. Periodontal disease develops when leftover food particles combine with saliva and bacteria to form a sticky film (plaque) over their teeth. Without routine brushing the buildup turns to tartar and the bacteria multiplies. This can cause serious health risks for your pet as the bacteria can spread to other parts of the body.

What dental services do you offer?

We perform routine dental cleaning and prophylaxis as well as extractions and dental surgery. Our top-of-the-line dental X-ray system is both accurate and extremely beneficial in diagnosing hidden dental issues. We routinely use dental freezing blocks and post operative pain medications to make the procedure as painless as possible. Keeping your pet’s teeth clean can reduce the chances of oral disease, heart disease, liver problems, and blood infections and increase the lifespan of your pet.

What are signs of dental disease?

Some signs of dental disease can be so subtle that they go unnoticed, this is why routine dental checkups by a veterinarian is necessary. Here are signs to look for:

  • Bad breath
  • Blood on their chew toys
  • Red or bleeding gums
  • Loose teeth
  • Chewing on one side of the mouth
  • Sneezing with nasal discharge
  • Pawing at the face
  • Yellow or brown buildup on their teeth
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